
seedling should Learn more about seedling should

  • Seedling management of broccoli

    Seedling management of broccoli

    Seedling management of broccoli

  • Planting Methods and Cultivation Techniques of Buxus chinensis

    Planting Methods and Cultivation Techniques of Buxus chinensis

    Buxus tree on the soil requirements are not strict, sandy soil, loam, brown soil can be planted, but the best is rich in organic matter loam. When preparing the land, the land type is required to be flat. Combined with deep ploughing, plus organic fertilizer, about 2000 kg per mu. When applying base fertilizer, attention should be paid to the organic fertilizer must be fully decomposed and deeply applied in the planting hole.

  • There is a skill in dividing vegetable seedlings.

    There is a skill in dividing vegetable seedlings.

    There is a skill in dividing vegetable seedlings.

  • How to manage summer corn seedlings well

    How to manage summer corn seedlings well

    How to manage summer corn seedlings? Please give guidance on the management of summer corn from emergence to jointing stage as seedling stage. The main characteristics are as follows: the aboveground part grows slowly and the root system grows rapidly. At this stage, the central task of field management is to promote root growth, cultivate strong seedlings, and lay the foundation for high yield. Corn seedlings to the environment.

  • What should summer corn seedlings pay attention to?

    What should summer corn seedlings pay attention to?

    What should summer corn seedlings pay attention to? Please give an introduction to summer corn seedlings to pay attention to the following points: First, check seedlings to prevent lack of seedlings broken ridge to ensure that the whole seedlings, should be timely check seedlings to fill seedlings, with early-maturing varieties after germination or in the seedlings 4-5 leaf age before, in the afternoon or cloudy with soil transplanting seedlings. Corn 3-4 leaves and...

  • How to manage summer corn seedlings?

    How to manage summer corn seedlings?

    How to manage summer corn seedlings? Please give detailed guidance on summer maize seedling management in the following aspects: 1. Check the seedlings and replenish them. After emergence, you should often check the seedlings in the field, and replant or transplant in time when you find that the seedlings are missing. Lack of seedlings can leave double seedlings on both sides of broken ridges, and more lack of seedlings can make good seedlings when corn has 2 to 3 leaves.

  • Management Technique of Eggplant Seedling Stage

    Management Technique of Eggplant Seedling Stage

    Management Technique of Eggplant Seedling Stage

  • How to manage corn seedlings in summer?

    How to manage corn seedlings in summer?

    How to manage corn seedlings in summer? Please introduce that summer corn seedlings can be managed as follows: 1. Check the seedlings and replenish them. After emergence, you should often check the seedlings in the field, and replant or transplant in time when you find that the seedlings are missing. Lack of seedlings can leave double seedlings on both sides of broken ridges, and more lack of seedlings can transplant and water good seedlings with mud balls when corn has 2 to 3 leaves.

  • Seedling emergence, grading and Storage of Walnut seedlings

    Seedling emergence, grading and Storage of Walnut seedlings

    In cold winter areas, the seedlings are taken out of the nursery before freezing after falling leaves. The emergence of seedlings from the nursery is an important part of raising seedlings. The drawing plan should be worked out according to the needs, and the nursery should be released in batches according to the variety and planting needs and the situation of sale, so as to avoid coming out of the nursery, storage, transportation, etc.

    2020-11-27 Walnut seedlings seedling grading and storage winter cold
  • Planting and Management techniques of Sweet Corn at Seedling stage

    Planting and Management techniques of Sweet Corn at Seedling stage

    Planting and Management techniques of Sweet Corn at Seedling stage

  • Cultivation techniques of raising Rice Seedling in interlayer and throwing Seedling

    Cultivation techniques of raising Rice Seedling in interlayer and throwing Seedling

    Cultivation techniques of raising Rice Seedling in interlayer and throwing Seedling

  • The latest course of eggplant Seedling Management techniques and methods

    The latest course of eggplant Seedling Management techniques and methods

    Eggplant is a kind of fruit and vegetable vegetables that many people like to eat very much, and its planting area in our country is very large. When planting eggplant, we should do a good job of management according to the growth period of eggplant. Especially in the eggplant seedling stage, its manager

    2020-11-10 The latest eggplant seedling stage management technology methods tutorials
  • How to raise tobacco seedlings without soil?

    How to raise tobacco seedlings without soil?

    How to raise tobacco seedlings without soil? With the gradual application of soilless cultivation technology in production, tobacco soilless seedling technology-direct seeding nutrient solution floating seedling (soilless seedling for short) has been widely popularized in flue-cured tobacco production. Practice has proved that the new technology of soilless tobacco seedling can improve the quality of tobacco seedlings, shorten the seedling period and prolong tobacco.

  • Cultivation techniques of upland rice in south and north in spring

    Cultivation techniques of upland rice in south and north in spring

    1. At present, the management techniques in the early stage of early rice production in South China should be based on drought resistance and spring ploughing, and early rice should be planted before and after the Qingming Festival in the southern region, around Grain Rain in the central region, and before May Day in the northern region. The key technical measures are as follows: 1. Cutting seedlings with sufficient basal fertilizer and early re-application of tillering fertilizer. On the basis of applying good marriage fertilizer to the seedling field, 30 kg of calcium, 7.5 kg of potassium chloride and 25 kg of ammonium bicarbonate should be applied per mu of base fertilizer, and 1000 kg to 1500 kg of high-quality farm manure should be applied per mu where possible. 2.1 per mu

  • Seedling refining methods and matters needing attention of vegetables in early spring

    Seedling refining methods and matters needing attention of vegetables in early spring

    Seedling refining methods and matters needing attention of vegetables in early spring

  • How to use seedling tray to raise pepper seedlings? Sowing methods and steps

    How to use seedling tray to raise pepper seedlings? Sowing methods and steps

    Seed selection: select high-quality pepper varieties with disease resistance, high yield and strong adaptability. Seedling tray: the seedling tray with about 72 seedling holes should be selected. Soil: use plant ash, vermiculite with tasteless chicken manure and organic fertilizer, stir to configure nutritious soil. Seed treatment: drying seeds

    2020-11-08 How to use seedling raising plate breeding pepper seedling sowing method step
  • What should be paid attention to in summer corn seedling stage

    What should be paid attention to in summer corn seedling stage

    What should summer corn seedling stage pay attention to? Please introduce the following points to be done at the seedling stage of summer corn: first, check seedlings to replenish seedlings and prevent seedling deficiency and broken ridges in order to ensure the whole seedling, seedlings should be checked and replenished in time, replanted with precocious varieties after sprouting or before the age of 4 or 5 leaves of the seedlings. Transplant seedlings with soil in the afternoon or in cloudy days. Corn is 3 kilos.

  • What are the types of planting methods?

    What are the types of planting methods?

    Radish grow up like morning glory, open is red flowers, really let a person see, think this flower has magic, good like, Radish planting method is what kind of it? What are the good looking varieties? The planting method of radish: in the area where the night temperature is still relatively low, do not mention early planting

  • Orchid & nbsp Orchid Shizhai Orchid language VIII: seedling emergence rate and Orchid Seedling size

    Orchid & nbsp Orchid Shizhai Orchid language VIII: seedling emergence rate and Orchid Seedling size

    Orchid & nbsp Orchid Shizhai Orchid language VIII: seedling emergence rate and Orchid Seedling size

  • How to choose and buy high-quality crab seedlings: strong physique and strong crawling

    How to choose and buy high-quality crab seedlings: strong physique and strong crawling

    How to choose and buy high-quality crab seedlings: strong physique and strong crawling
